Also happens to be my brother from another mother. We've been raising hell since primary school. OK, maybe that's an exaggeration; we were at the very least, annoying some low level demons.

It's been a while since we did the last website (2014) & given the exceptional effort that Troy has put into his music and career since then - I thought I'd better put the same effort into his new site.

It's a complete overhaul and totally new platform that should see him through to the next 7 years.

We have also raised the bar with a full ecommerce solution that sells direct to his fan base.

I'm going to write some more on this, the different approach to social - the breadth of the coverage and the work a musician has to put in to keep his train in motion ...

In the meantime - go to the website and have a mooch (I get no royalties - they all go to him - so there's literally no reason for me to send you there .. other than being nice 😀

Mobile experience - easy, responsive design
Mobile experience - easy, responsive design

One of the things I am enjoying most with my new job; Variety. I really do enjoy getting into the depths of other peoples passion and working out what is required to get that across digitally.

A recently completed phase 1 project for Lydia @ The Clinic Aesthetics - based in Hereford, is a great reminder of that. I am blown away by the number of treatments and it really opened up my understanding of the 'why' of it all.

Scar removal as a shining example, to be able to give someone more confidence, by removing a daily reminder ... is a wonderful thing!

Lots more to do, but with time taken to understand the key elements of the business, the customer profiles and the search landscape, will pay off and get the right traffic flowing!

So, that's another happy customer and a very much appreciated opportunity to convey the unique aspects of a great brand!

Onwards and upwards!

With IoMech's continued drive toward easy entry to Industrial IoT, a successful installation required a video promotion to see the system in action.

The client shot the video at the facility in London and then via DropBox and a little bit of editing, we managed to produce something that is informative and shows the value of the system.

We then created the YouTube channel to interact with the website, allowing easy additions and video updates to be central to the messaging.

Awareness is key to this systems take-up and with strategic targeting and continued communication, the message is reaching it's audience.

SEO & Video are great partners.

Talk to us about making your Digital Presence shine ...

I love coffee ... Seriously! I'm sat here with a large cup of it now. Fresh, strong and a dash of milk (with 42 sugars*).

When the opportunity came up to work with an ecommerce start-up that lives and breathes coffee, I could not resist.

Kappa Coffee Roasters are a start-up business with a sustainable and conscientious supply route that benefits everyone, from the growers to the drinkers.

The brief was to identify suitable solutions for the website and back end system, with a scalable solution that would easily allow for growth. The Branding, Creative and Wireframes were supplied by Lil & Lisa @Fizzy Compass and we worked closely together to produce a polished, fast, mobile friendly & secure solution. This project pushed me to embrace new tools and really dig into my web designer, hosting & business systems brain matter. I know that both the customer and ourselves, are very proud of the end result and I'm truly grateful for the following feedback from the Team at Kappa:

Project Feedback

1. Do you feel that TRI understood your business and its requirements?

I believe Alan had a very good understanding of our business needs and also took the time to learn more about the product we were selling.

2. How easy/difficult was it to work with TRI?

Alan was always quick to respond to enquiries and was always on hand to chat over zoom when we needed it. There was also the offer to provide further training if we needed it to keep the website running.

Kappa screenshot - homepage
Kappa screenshot - homepage

3. During the project, did you get the response time and support you required?

Alan’s communication was excellent – quick and efficient. The evening before the launch Alan went above and beyond to run a fine tooth comb through the website so that we were more than happy to launch the next morning.

Product information, variants and add to cart
Product information, variants and add to cart

4. How effective and straightforward was the solution TRI delivered?

Whenever I had a question or problem regarding the website or back office of Shopify, Alan was very helpful with either finding a solution or guiding me to the correct solution.

5. How likely are you to use TRI again for Marketing support?

We are looking at expanding the website and are looking to use Alan to assist in implementing this for us.

6. Anything else you want to say?

Nothing was too much trouble for Alan. We really enjoyed working with him. He did a great job and we look forward to continuing to work with him to develop our website.

So ... If you have a project, if you're not sure how to proceed, or want someone with experience to help you on your way ...

I can probably help 😀

With any leap, comes self doubt and a fear of the unknown ... I'm happy to say that I have faced my fears and pushed through - reminding myself that my track record for getting through tough times is 100% (Memes ftw).

IoMech Ltd. is the brainchild of Dr Ioannis Michalakoudis. Ioannis is an expert in the fields of Product Design and Lean Manufacturing and his passion is clearly seen in all he does. It's been an absolute pleasure working with him and getting his Marketing approach up and running.As with any project I take on, understanding the core of the business and where the service/product resonates is key to getting results. The following is the feedback I have recently received:

LinkedIn presence
LinkedIn presence

Brief Description of Project: IoMech Ltd. Initial website build, launch and promotion of business to targeted market space. Plus using LinkedIn for Market Research and promotion.

  1. Do you feel that TRI understood your business and its requirements? TRI quickly understood my business and assisted me to define my marketing plan and website
  2. How easy/difficult was it to work with TRI? It is a smooth and pleasant experience
  3. During the project, did you get the response time and support you required? Yes, I’ve got a full website and email campaign material from an incomplete plan delivered exactly when I needed it.
  4. How effective and straightforward was the solution TRI delivered? TRI delivered on its promises and beyond.
  5. How likely are you to use TRI again for Marketing support? I would definitely use them again when the next opportunity arises

What makes me happy? Delivering on what I promise and helping businesses achieve.

Can I help you? I'm pretty sure I can! Please get in touch and allow me to smooth out your Marketing process.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): There's an entire industry built around mystifying this subject and that gets on my nerves immensely.

Put in simple terms: where you are perceived as the leader in your niche from a networking standpoint, search engines are trying to capture that to make sure they are giving their users relevant data and the answers their users are looking for - because that builds trust. Which brings repeat usage.


If you take Wikipedia as a shining example of the mechanics of SEO. Wikipedia does not pay to get First Page/Position results, it's done through:

This shows SEO in it's truest form. Knowledge, backed up by relevance and viewed as an authority.

Not everyone has the time for Wikipedia - but taking it at a single subject matter / page - you can really start to understand the inner workings of the 'magic' of SEO.SEO is not complicated, but should be a bi-product of your expertise. Your business has got the building blocks, given the right guidance, strategy and approach - your first page ranking is not unreachable!

I would love to help!

edit: There are important technical aspects to SEO, but given the right platform and some checklist items, that need not be a limitation to any business. I can also help with that.